Online Learning Opportunities for Nurses |  |
We are in the process of developing a list of free or low cost online learning options available from New Zealand and Overseas. Please click the links to access the courses and more information.
If you have a course you think would be appropriate to see here please email the link to:
PLEASE NOTE: Hutt Valley DHB takes no responsibility for the use of information from these courses in clinical work. Users are strongly advised to check the information contained in the training and refer to the policies and procedures of their employing organisation before implementing learning into clinical practice.
- NEW!! - Public Health elearning Course - Free. Click here then choose public health from courses, head to 'cart' and create an account and use the Freeme voucher code at check out.
- University or Tasmania - Understanding Dementia MOOC - 20 hours professional development
- Learn Online - Ministry of Health - Multiple Courses available
- Future Learn - UK Based - Multiple Free Online Course Options - Free to complete but you pay if you want a physical certificate.
- Mauriora - Foundation Course in Cultural Competency (Maori) Free, other courses $99
- Improving Together - national NZ programme focusing on quality improvement
- Hand Hygiene NZ - Links to Australian site for e-learning, requires registration before choosing appropriate module. Has RN and student options.
- Heart Foundation E-Learning
- The Goodfellow Unit - Variety of health courses - supported by University of Auckland. RNZCoGP, Pharmac, College of Nurses Aotearoa & Mercy Ascot.
- Social Care Institute for Excellence - Very UK focused courses
- Privacy Commissioner - Privacy Education
- NZ Blood Service - Blood transfusion Quiz and other Education
- Health Mentor Online - E-learning course on Basic Diabetes care for health professionals and patients
- CPD4Nurses - Charges $20 per article
- CPD@Whitireia - Topics include (but not limited to)Asthma & Respiratory, aged care, mental health, assessment, medications, clinical supervision, workplace relations and skill development. There are charges for these courses, from $45 to $180.
- HQSC - Reducing Harm from Falls - Fallstop
- Safeguarding Children - Foundations of Child Protection - free e-learning other courses have cost
- Pharmac Seminars - free video presentations of seminars with recognition of online learning for nurses