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(04) 566 6999

General Information for Nursing Students at Hutt Valley Hospital

Clinical Information to be reviewed by all student nurses. 

CCHV Code of Conduct 1.2469
CCHV Privacy Policy 1.97
Health & Safety Policy 1.3116
Clinical Learning Experiences Policy 1.110
Medical photography and video recordings 1.103054
Special Staff Status 1.1083

Nursing Student Medication Management Policy 1.11627 

Orientation booklets for wards and departments at Hutt Valley Hospital.

Please click on the following highlighted links to download orientation booklets and information:

    NEW! - Infection Control handbook for Students

    Hutt Valley Hospital Infection Control team have created a new handbook for undergraduate students. It is highly recommended that students read and complete this.

    Smoke Free Policy at Hutt Valley Hospital

    Hutt Valley Hospital has a smoke free policy. Smoking by staff, patients and visitors is formally discouraged and staff (including students) who wish to smoke should do so away from the hospital grounds and are not permitted to smoke in Hutt Valley Hospital vehicles.

    Parking and Other Services at Hutt Valley Hospital

    • Click here for information about getting to Hutt Valley Hospital.
    • Click here for a map of Hutt Valley Hospital.
    • Lower priced parking for under-graduate students is available from the parking office opposite Endoscopy & Medical Day Stay.

    Hutt Hospital Chapel is open all day, every day and services are advertised on the board outside.