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What is Care Capacity Demand Management (CCDM?)

Patient care and staffing requirements change every shift, every day and every hour. The core function of the CCDM programme is to make sure we have enough resources to meet our patient demand.

It’s about having the right staff, in the right place, at the right time.

Getting the right balance of patient care and staff resources available means we can improve the quality of care for our patients.

By improving our staff’s working environments, means we can use our health resources in the best possible way for our patients.

Aims of CCDM

Safe staffing and healthy workplaces are national priorities.

  • Patients will get the right nurse with the right skills, providing the right care, at the right time. Benefits of this include:

    • reducing the length of time patients need to stay in hospital

    • providing safe and efficient high standards of care in a timely manner

    • reducing falls and pressure injuries

    • reducing avoidable infections.

  • Staff are actively involved in the programme.This improves staff satisfaction, delivers better care and quality improvements on all our wards.

How does CCDM work?

This programme is a set of tools and processes helping DHBs better match the capacity we have to cope with patient demand.

The key parts of the project helping DHBs deliver Safe Staffing are:

  1. Governance
  2. Staffing Methodology
  3. Core Data Set
  4. Variance Response Management

There are four standards which drive the way the programme is delivered.

Why is this programme so important?

It is part of the Nurses MECA, and the ACCORD signed with the Ministry of Health.

All DHBs across the country are expected to have this programme implemented by June 2021.

We report on our progress to the Safe Staffing Healthy Workforce National Governance group and the Minister of Health.

How we got here?

In 2018 health partners committed to there being sufficient nurses and midwives in our public hospitals to ensure both their own and their patients’ safety.

This was the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) Multi Employer Collective Agreement (MECA) 2018.

The Safer Staffing Accord. This provides options for providing employment and training for NZ nursing and midwife’s. Additional funding identified by CCDM with implementation timeframes and reporting to the MoH. A strategy for the retention of existing nursing and midwifery.

At Hutt Valley DHB we have implemented 66% of the CCDM programme and well on our way to full implementation.

Who are the partners involved?

Here at Hutt Valley DHB we are working closely with the following groups to implement CCDM:

Contact us

We’re working on this programme in partnership with: