A small blessing ceremony has paved the way for people across both the Hutt Valley and the Wairarapa to begin receiving renal dialysis treatment closer to home.
Kaumatua, patients, and staff gathered before sunrise this morning for a small ceremony to bless Te Whare Takihi mo te Katoa – the region’s new satellite renal dialysis unit.

Located at the Hutt Valley Health Hub adjacent to Hutt Hospital, the 16-chair unit will enable more than 50 patients to receive treatment locally without having to travel to Wellington Regional or Kenepuru Community Hospitals three times a week.
“Travelling to Wellington or Porirua three times a week, for around five hours of treatment, is a significant burden for many of patients – especially those from our more disadvantaged communities. Te Whare Takihi mo te Katoa will help ease some of that burden,” said 2DHB Director of Provider Services Joy Farley.
“With around 470-490 dialysis treatments having been delivered weekly for most of this year in Wellington and Porirua, the new unit will also increase our renal dialysis capacity for the region and better position us to meet growing demand into the future.”

Gifted by local kaumatua Hepetema Taitua and his wife Mate, the name Te Whare Takihi mo te Katoa reflects its status as a ‘kidney dialysis unit for all’.
“Te Whare Takihi mo te Katoa is built around a culture of whanau, aroha, and manaakitanga for all people and resonates with the whakatauki that states ‘he waka eke noa’, or ‘we’re all in this together’,” said 2DHB Director of Māori Health Arawhetu Gray.
“A high proportion of these patients are Māori and Pacific and the unit and service are designed to support everyone – regardless of ethnic, cultural, religious, socio-economic, or other background community – the access safe quality treatment and support closer to home
Te Whare Takihi mo te Katoa is located at the Hutt Valley Health Hub, Witako Street, adjacent to Hutt Hospital. It will open to patients on Tuesday 1 December.